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  Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics
Fawwaz T. Ulaby

Frequently Asked Questions

1. System requirements.
In every case it is assumed that the system has both a CD reader and a web browser. This CD uses standard HTML with Javascript and Java for the interactive and animation capabilities. Make sure these are enabled in your browser preferences. Many requirements are guidelines and so it is worth trying your system even if the requirements are not strictly satisfied.
Windows-based systems: Pentium-class processor, at least 100 MHz, with 32 MBytes RAM. The CD has been tested with Windows 98, using Internet Explorer 5.0.
Macintosh-based systems: PowerPC processor, at least 100 MHz, with 32 MBytes RAM. The CD has been tested on a variety of MAC platforms using Internet Explorer 5.0 and Java version MRJ 2.2.2, but see FAQ#2 for more details.
UNIX systems: the variety here is so large, all we can say is that the system should be no older than about 5 years and have at least 32 MBytes RAM. Netscape 4.7 has worked on all UNIX systems we have tried.
2. Macintosh details.
As of this writing (August, 2000) the Macintosh platform had some troubles worth mentioning here. In particular, Netscape 4.5 on the Mac will not work with those parts of the CD that contain Java, notably the animations. This is because the version of Java supported by Netscape 4.5 is too old. In order for the animations to work on the Mac you must use Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. You must also install a Java runtime available from Apple called MRJ 2.2.2, since Internet Explorer expects to find it. Also, make sure that Java is turned on: edit preferences. Sorry for the trouble.
3. Fonts
The files on this CD were designed using a default browser font of between 14 and 18 points. All of the greek symbols were made with that font size in mind. If the greek symbols look too big or too small, change your default font size by "editing preferences" for your browser. Using fonts that are too small or too big may also cause some formatting problems.
4. Buttons in Chapter 1
Sometimes the "proceed to next module" button is obscured in the modules in chapter 1. If this happens you can do two things: (1) make your browser taller by dragging the resize area of the window, or (2) just ignore the problem, and click the "right arrow" in the upper right navigation bar that we provide.
5. Animations are broken
Sometimes the animations do not work. There can be several reasons for this, depending on platform. To fix it, try one of the following two things: (1) Force your browser to reload the page, rather than using the cache, or (2) kill the browser and start over. If this happens repeatedly, you may want to click the "stop animation" button on every animation before proceeding to another page.
6. Error Messages
Sometimes Internet Explorer reports errors. These errors do not affect the correct operation of the demos and modules. In order to stop the errors from being reported, do the following: bring up the "control panel" and choose "internet options"; click on the "advanced" tab and find the line labeled "disable script debugging"; check the box on this line, and restart Internet Explorer. This problem appears to be due to incompatibilities between the various java and javascript implementations.

Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 index
Contents Contents Contents Help
Modules  Demos  Solved Problems 
Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001. Copyright © 2001 Prentice Hall.