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Module2.2B Module2.4B Chapter2 Help
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 Calculate V0+

 Module 2.3B: Z L=(0.5 - j 0.5)Z 0
Given: A coaxial line connected as shown.


   * From Exercise 2.1B:  =0.45   -116 O  
   * From Exercise 2.2B:  l=4.8  (rad), and Zi = (71- j56)  

      Q.  Calculate the complex amplitude of the incident wave, V0+.   Enter your answer in the form A .
V0+ = V    O    


Proceed to Module 2.4B

Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001. Copyright © 2001 Prentice Hall.