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  Normal Incidence on a Planar Boundary

 Module 8.2: Medium-contrast Interface

Given: A 300-MHz plane EM wave in air (Medium 1) incident upon the planar boundary of a lossless dielectric medium with r = 9 (Medium 2).

 Q1.  What is the wavelength of the incident wave?
  1=  m  
 Q2.  What is the wavelength in Medium 2?
  2=  m  
 Q3.  What are the intrinsic impedances of Media 1 and 2?
 Q4.  What is the reflection coefficient at the boundary?
 Q5.  What is the transmission coefficient into Medium 2?
 Q6.  If the amplitude of the incident electric field is 10 V/m, what would be the amplitudes of the total fields in Media 1 and 2?
  |E1|max=  V/m  
  |E2|max=  V/m  
 Q7.  The combination of incident and reflected waves generates a standing wave pattern in Medium 1. How far from the interface in Medium 1 is the location of the first electric field maximum?
  lmax=  m  
 Q8.  What is the location of the first electric field minimum in Medum 1?
  lmin=  m  


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Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001. Copyright © 2001 Prentice Hall.