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  Multiple Layers

 Module 8.4: Film Coating on Glass Surface

Given: A beam of red light of free-space wavelength 0.7 m incident normally upon a glass surface with index of refraction n=1.8, as shown in (a).

 Q1.  Considering only the reflection of the front air-glass interface in configuration (a), what fraction of the incident power is reflected back?
 Q2.  Suppose we want to eliminate reflection altogether by adding an antireflection film, as in (b). What should be the film thickness and its index of refraction in order to achieve total transmission into the glass medium?
  d=  m  
 Q3.  Now suppose film material with exactly that index of refraction is not available, but the closest available is a material with nf =1.3. What fraction of the incident power will be reflected in that case?


Proceed to Module 8.5

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Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001. Copyright © 2001 Prentice Hall.