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  Communication System

 Module 9.4: Satellite Link

Given: A 6-GHz satellite to Earth communication link. The satellite, at 40,000 km above Earth's surface, transmits 100 W through a lossless 2-m diameter dish antenna.

 Q1.  How large in area is the 3-dB footprint of the satellite beam on the surface of the Earth?
  A=  x105km2  
 Q2.  What is the power intercepted by a small, ground-based, 15 cm diameter dish antenna pointed toward the satellite?
  Pint=  x10-12W  
 Q3.  If the receiver is characterized by a system noise temperature of 100 K and if the receiver bandwidth is 5 MHz, what is the receiver noise power?
  Pn=  x10-15W  
 Q4.  What is the receiver signal-to-noise ratio?
  Sn=  dB  

Proceed to Module 9.5

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Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001. Copyright © 2001 Prentice Hall.