The following publications were written by the faculty and students in the electrical engineering department at BYU. All these papers are related to electromagnetics and have been placed according to subject where possible. The authors names are links to their respective home pages. The titles are links to the papers in Adobetm Acrobat format (.pdf).
Please see individual research group webpages for more recent publications.
K. F. Warnick,
D. V. Arnold
R. H. Selfridge
, "Electromagnetic
Field Theory
", Electromagnetics course notes using differential forms, latest draft:
K. F. Warnick,
D. V. Arnold
, "Green Forms for Anisotropic, Inhomogeneous
, Material presented at APS/URSI 1996
K. F. Warnick, D. V. Arnold , R. H. Selfridge , "Differential Forms in Electromagnetic Field Theory " APS/URSI 1996 Conference Review Paper
K. F. Warnick, R. H. Selfridge , D. V. Arnold , "Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions and Differential Forms " IEE Proc. H, 142, pp.326-332, 1995
K. F. Warnick, D. V. Arnold , "Secondary Dark Rings of Internal Conical Refraction " Phys. Rev. E, In Review, 1996
K. F. Warnick, "Electromagnetics in Two Dimensions "
K. F. Warnick, R. H. Selfridge , D. V. Arnold , "Electromagnetics Made Easy: Differential Forms as a Teaching Tool"
K. F. Warnick, R. H. Selfridge , D. V. Arnold , "Teaching Electromagnetic Field Theory Using Differential Forms " IEEE Trans. on Education, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 53-68, 1997.
K. F. Warnick, D. V. Arnold , "Electromagnetic Green Functions Using differential Forms ", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications Vol. 10, No. 3, 427-438, 1996
M. A. Jensen , Y. Rahmat-Samii, "Performace Analysis of Antennas for Hand-Held Transceivers Using FTDT ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 42, No. 8, August 1994
A. Fijany, M. A. Jensen , Y. Rahmat-Samii, J. Barhen, " A Massively Parallel Computation Strategy for FTDT: Time and Space Parallelism Applied to Electromagnetics Problems ", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 43, No. 12, December 1995
M. A. Jensen , Y. Rahmat-Samii, "Em Interaction of Handset Antennas and a Human in Personal Communications "
M. A. Jensen , Y. Rahmat-Samii, "Characterization of Electromagneticlly Coupled Superquadric Loop Antennas for Mobile Communications Applications "
M. A. Jensen , Y. Rahmat-Samii, "Electromagnetic Characteristics of Superquadric Wire Loop Antennas " IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 43, No. 2, February 1994
D. G. Long , P. J. Hardin, "Vegetation Studies of the Amazon Basin Using Enhanced Resolution Seasat Scatterometer Data ", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 32, No. 2, March 1992
D. G. Long ,G. B. Skouson, "Calibration of Spaceborne Scatterometers Using Tropical Rain Forests" , IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 34, No. 2, March 1996
M. R. Drinkwater, D. G. Long, "Enhanced-Resolution ERS-1 Scatterometer Imaging of Southern-Ocean Sea Ice "
P. J. Hardin, D. G. Long , "Integrating Reconstructed Scatterometer and Advanced Very High Resolution radiometer data for Tropical Forest Inventory ",
D. G. Long , M. R. Drinkwater, "Greenland Ice-Sheet Surface Properties Observed by the Seasat-A Scatterometer at Enhanced Resolution " Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 40, No. 135, 1994
D. G. Long , P. J. Hardin, and P. T. Whiting, " Resolution Enhancment of Spaceborne Scatterometer Data ", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 31, No. 3, May 1993
F. M. Naderi, M. H. Freilich, and D. G. Long , "Spaceborne Radar Measurment of Wind Velocity over the Ocean-An Overview of the NSCAT Scatterometer System ",
D. G. Long , "Wind Field Model-Based Estimation of Seasat Scatterometer Winds ", Journal of Geophysical Research , Vol. 98, No. C8, Pages 14,651-14,668, August 15, 1993
D. G. Long , R. S. Collyer, R. Reed, D. V. Arnold , "Dependence of the Normalized Radar Cross Section of Water Waves on Bragg Wavelength-Wind Speed Sensitivity "